Starting solids

Hey parents

During my experience in child care I have gotten many parents asking me when is it time to start introducing their babies to solids, now this is a very tricky question because in my opinion it is when you as the parent feel comfortable introducing your child to solids after the age of three months.. with my children both started solids at the age of four months. I started them with thick nestum alone then gradually everyday introduced them to puree fruits; a different fruit every day, for lunch was mash potatoes 🍠 or carrots 🥕or calaloo, and overtime just graduated little by little as they developed teeth to softer things for them to chew on like bread 🍞 and jam or pancakes 🥞 or waffles or baby cereal 🥣 with water 💦. Now my babies were not formula babies, they were breastfed so in my opinion it was easier to wean them off once food became apart of their diet…

Over time they just started to eat the same things I ate.Now a lot of parents wait until the pediatricians to say when you start giving your child solids and water(this in itself is another blog to start). But for me I went with my gut and experience and my girls are happy and healthy. So as a parent you do what’s best for your child or children and know that for me it was safe to start my babies at four months.

Stay tuned for the blog about is it safe or not to give babies water types of solids to start your babies on..

Remember keeping smiling and know you are an awesome parent 💓💕💗💘

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