Fussy new borns

Hey parents

This one is for all the mummies and daddies who have new born babies.. ever feel like you trying and trying and trying and nothing you do could stop baby from crying, you try feeding,cuddling, rocking and nothing seems to have a permanent fix for this excessive crying or fussing.. I know I have been there….😭😭.. not knowing if it’s gripe or if something is wrong with them feeling like OMG I just want this child to STOP even if it’s just for one hour… 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨.. well with my children I learnt that it was just the fact that they just needed to be held and not be put down under no circumstances…. frustrating ikr…. but the phase will pass… let us know your experience with this and how you over came…

Keep smiling and know you are an awesome parent…

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